Sunday, May 18, 2008


Our Walk Across Arizona challenge is officially over. For 16 weeks, fifty of us did our best to walk (or do other equivalent exercise) as much as we could. Besides walking, we biked, belly danced, gardened, shifted ranges of books in the library, did aerobics, used treadmills and elliptical machines, cleaned city streets, and more! And we did these things not only here in the Valley of the Sun, but also in San Francisco and San Diego, Hawaii, Michigan, Flagstaff, and who knows what other exotic places! We were sometimes waylaid by illness, injury, surgery, and distressing circumstances--but we kept on going. In fact, we kept on going for 7,144.3 incredible miles! I cannot adequately express how proud I am of each and every one of us, and how honored I feel to have been a part of this group--let's do it again NEXT YEAR!
This whole experience is such fun, and I'd like to end with a laugh! Below is a sketch I love from Monty Python, "Ministry of Silly Walks"--

Monday, May 12, 2008


Thanks to Dan Haskell, I have discovered an actual use for, the bookmarking tool that was covered in lesson #13 of Library 2.0! Out at our information desk, we are now limited in the number of favorites we can have bookmarked on the two computers, so I opened an account in, loaded all the favorites off my computer at my desk, and all the favorites that looked good to me from both Info desk computers and the Call Center computer. Now when I'm on the desk, I just log in to, put it on a tab, and have instant access to all the sites I want, without having to remember them all, or go to something like Google to look them up. I love it--thank you, Dan, for the suggestion!!